Netwave trifase
Netwave trifase
La serie di alimentatori Netwave monofase consta di sorgenti pulite AC/DC trefase e copre in maniera semplice diverse norme civili e industriali tra cui IEC/EN 61000-4-13, -4-14, -4-28, -4-17 e -4-29.
La bassa distorsione armonica e l’alta stabilità – anche con carichi dinamici – permettono alla serie Netwave di essere egualmente conforme come fonte pulita per le prove di armoniche e flicker secondo IEC/EN 61000-3-2,-3-3, -3-11 e -3-12, così come JIS C 61000-3-2 e ECE R-10 Rev.5.
Data le caratteristiche, la serie Netwave è adeguata per le prove su elettrodomestici e per le prove su inverter (energia solare, energia eolica).
La gamma trifase è fornita di serie di trasformatore di isolamento; in opzione ci sono la possibilità di recupero dell’energia inversa senza interruzione per auto-protezione e il modo parallelo per avere una fonte monofase con correnti più elevate.
Il software di gestione fornito con Netwave è net.control.
- Netwave 20:
- Power: 22.5kVA AC, 27kW DC
- Netwave 20 Voltage: 0..300Va0c (p-n), 0..±425Vdc (0..±850Vdc con opzione OPT-3 DC-EVR)
- Netwave 20.2 Voltage: 0..360Vac (p-n), 0..620Vac (p-p), 0..±500Vdc (0..±1000Vdc con opzione OPT-3 DC-EVR)
- Netwave 20.5 Voltage: 0..400Vac (p-n), 0..690Vac (p-p), 0..±1120Vdc – Fully insulated up to 1000 Vdc
- Current: 26Arms continuous, 47Arms short-term 3s, 200A repetitive peak
- Netwave 20.5: Power recovery 20, DC-EVR and Parallel 20 included
- Netwave 30:
- Power: 30kVA AC, 36kW DC
- Netwave 30 Voltage: 0..300Va0c (p-n), 0..±425Vdc (0..±850Vdc con opzione OPT-3 DC-EVR)
- Netwave 30.2 Voltage: 0..360Vac (p-n), 0..620Vac (p-p), 0..±500Vdc (0..±1000Vdc con opzione OPT-3 DC-EVR)
- Netwave 30.5 Voltage: 0..400Vac (p-n), 0..690Vac (p-p), 0..±1120Vdc – Fully insulated up to 1000 Vdc
- Current: 33Arms continuous, 66Arms short-term 3s, 250A repetitive peak
- Netwave 30.5: Power recovery 30, DC-EVR and Parallel 30 included
- Netwave 67:
- Power: 67kVA AC, 72kW DC
- Netwave 60 Voltage: 0..300Va0c (p-n), 0..±425Vdc (0..±850Vdc con opzione OPT-3 DC-EVR)
- Netwave 60.2 Voltage: 0..360Vac (p-n), 0..620Vac (p-p), 0..±500Vdc (0..±1000Vdc con opzione OPT-3 DC-EVR)
- Netwave 60.5 Voltage: 0..400Vac (p-n), 0..690Vac (p-p), 0..±1120Vdc – Fully insulated up to 1000 Vdc
- Current: 75Arms continuous, 100Arms short-term 3s, 400A repetitive peak
- Netwave 67.5: Power recovery, DC-EVR and Parallel included
- Netwave 90:
- Power: 90kVA AC, 110kW DC
- Netwave 90.2 Voltage: 0..360Vac (p-n), 0..620Vac (p-p), 0..±500Vdc (0..±1000Vdc con opzione OPT-3 DC-EVR)
- Netwave 90.5 Voltage: 0..400Vac (p-n), 0..690Vac (p-p), 0..±1120Vdc – Fully insulated up to 1000 Vdc
- Current: 100Arms continuous, 150Arms short-term 3s, 500A repetitive peak
- Netwave 90.5: Power recovery, DC-EVR and Parallel included
- Netwave 108:
- Power: 108kVA AC, 150kW DC
- Netwave 108.5 Voltage: 0..400Vac (p-n), 0..690Vac (p-p), 0..±1120Vdc – Fully insulated up to 1000 Vdc
- Current: 100Arms continuous, 150Arms short-term 3s, 500A repetitive peak
- Netwave 108.5: Power recovery, DC-EVR and Parallel included
- All 3phase Netwave are already supplied with insulation transformer
- Optionally with synchronization with external source, extended trigger functions and/or control via external control signal
- Output frequency: DC..5kHz
- Frequency accuracy: 100ppm
- DC offset with AC signal: <20mV with linear load
- Phase accuracy: 1° resolution
- Output noise: <320mVrms
- Slew rate: 8V/us
- THD: <0.5% at 50/60Hz
- Output voltage stability: <0.1%
- Output voltage accuracy: <0.5%
- AC segment types:
- Sine, Modulation
- Sine sweep
- Sweep on Sine
- Sine up/down
- Overswing, Sine offset
- Sine Dip
- Sine switching
- Harmonic,
- Interharmonic
- Interharmonic step
- Harmonic distortion
- …
- DC segment types
- DC
- Ramp
- Square
- Triangle
- Sawtooth
- Step
- Sine
- Sine sweep
- Sine ramp
- Damped sinewave
- Sine ripple
- Profile
- Square sweep
- Noise
- Sine Dwell
- Sync
- Harmonic
- Exponent
- …
- Netwave 20: