LV 123 10.4.6 – Test: voltage ripple
LV 123 10.4.6 - Test: voltage ripple
For the voltage ripple test, the operating modes in accordance with Table “Operating modes test voltage ripple” shall be taken into consideration. Compliance with the maximum generated/present voltage ripple shall be documented.
- HV component – Operating mode
- DC/DC converter HV/LV – Boost mode
- DC/DC converter HV/LV – Buck mode
- Drive system power electronics – Engine mode
- Drive system power electronics – Generator mode
- On-board charger – HV system power supply (charging operation)
- Other HV components, HV battery, HV source – Load mode
Generated voltage ripple:
The HV powernet conditions shall be agreed upon with the departments responsible. The test set-up shall be documented in detail, including line inductances, line capacitances, on-board electrical system equivalent capacitances and line resistances.
For every HV component controlled by power electronics, evidence shall be provided that the generated voltage ripple in HV system operation with HV battery (switching equipment HV battery switched on) in accordance with Table “Dynamic parameters” is fulfilled.
For every HV component controlled by power electronics, evidence shall be provided that the generated voltage ripple in HV system operation without HV battery (switching equipment HV battery switched off) in accordance with Table “Dynamic parameters” is fulfilled.”
Evidence shall be provided that the HV operating status of the HV component in the respective operating voltage range does not change due to the superimposition of the specified voltage ripple.
Present voltage ripple:
For every HV component, robustness and stable operation shall be verified when there is a voltage ripple present during the operation of the HV system with an HV battery (switching equipment HV battery switched on) in accordance with Table “Dynamic parameters”.
For every HV component, robustness and stable operation shall be verified when there is a voltage ripple present during the operation of the HV system without an HV battery (switching equipment HV battery switched off) in accordance with Table “Dynamic parameters”.
Evidence shall be provided that the HV operating status of the HV component in the respective operating voltage range does not change due to the superimposition of the specified voltage ripple.
For the test, the test parameters in accordance with Table “Test parameters present voltage ripple” shall be selected.
La prova viene svolta con Netwave, AMP 200N2, CN 200N e il software net.control.